Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Crack for kids

My cousin asked me the following questions for a project in school. I like these kinds of moments where I can stop and spend a few moments to take tally of what's currently going on.

1. What do you think are the major responsibilities of being a parent?

- Making sure your kid isn't a jerk.
- Being fully aware that you are raising the next generation of humanity.

2. What do you think are the major rewards of being a parent?

- I like to think far ahead to when our kids are grown and they're reminiscing about family vacations, holidays, triumphs, tragedies... just knowing and feeling that their parents helped raise them to live a full and meaningful life thus far.

3. What changes occurred in your life when you became a parent?

Time spent with my significant other is much more valuable and precious.

4. What is one joy of parenting that stands out for you?

When complete strangers (grown men, even!) will stop dead in their tracks and compliment on how cute and well-behaved my kid is. This helps me realize that we must be doing something right!

5. What is one problem you have experienced as a parent?

My patience is terrible. TERRIBLE! Here I was before parenthood thinking that I've got nerves of steel and a level head. HA! How ignorant I was!

6. What do you wish you had known before becoming a parent?

Be prepared to be tired every single day for the rest of your life. No, really. Fatigue is a truly foreign concept before parenthood.

7. What is one thing that your child/children love doing?

The Wiggles have stormed into our lives with unstoppable force. It's like CRACK to this kid! It's the first thing he asks for when he wakes up, the last thing he mumbles to himself as he's falling asleep for the night. Sustenance, nourishment, motherly coddling - it all takes the back seat to The Wiggles. Unreal.

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