Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The yin & yang of it all

Me 'n Pelican have had a bit of a rough past. No, not rough - I take that back. Misunderstanding, perhaps? That sounds better; Yes, an askewed relationship that continues to this day. Even now as I listen to their latest album, "City of Echoes."

The band is an instrumental quartet that... well... here's what Hyrdahead Records has to say:
When the quartet's first full length, Australasia, came out in late 2003, it was an experiment in crushing heaviness, albeit melodic and compositionally a breed apart from their contemporaries.

And I can, and do, appreciate this kind of sound. But, during the physical act of listening to Pelican it always feels like we're not quite on the same frequency: I should be enjoy this; I applaud their solid compositions and guitar work/tones, but I just can't sink my teeth into this! I.JUST.CAN'T! I've inquired with several longtime Pelican fans about what it is I'm overlooking, what misunderstanding that's obstructing that longed-for Eureka! moment when one can officially declare, "OH! Ok, I get it now." All of the answers were pretty much in the same vein of praising the guitar work and song-writing skills.

I've always likened listening to HELMET to being force-fed a stale loaf of bread. The sound is right there in your face, filling and obvious, but very little actual nourishment is gained by its consumption. Part of me wants to write off Pelican with this same description. Time and time again while listening I feel.... meh....

Sure, the theory is something to take note of, but I would rather sacrifice unusual chord progressions and/or off-beat time signatures for some good 'ol fashioned FEELING! You've got three guitars and a solid drummer! Quit sounding like you're taking yourselves too seriously. JAM OUT A LITTLE BIT! Lock into a wicked groove and see where it takes you! Your music feels like you're site reading. I feel like I need to keep looking for the "Quantize" button on my media player but can't seem to find it. Come on, guys!

I want to enjoy Pelican. I really do. I don't know why, but I'm holding to the instinct that one day - someday - we can enjoy a fulfilling relationship. I will casually continue my psychological and academic investigation into this band.

But, for now, Karma to Burn and their bouncing 4/4 grooves are sustaining me just fine.

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