Thursday, September 24, 2009

Whatever bubbles, bubbles up!

Remember this video? It's awesome on so.many.LEVELS! Watch it! JUST WATCH IT! I dare you to deny it's awesomeness. It's like M.C. Escher free flowing with swingin' hip hop. I remember buying the cassette single and romping around with my walkman. Shucks, I'd do the same now if I cared enough to carry around an iPod.

Awesome tune, Awesome video - Good stuff, man. Good Stuff. Defying physics, defying musical genres. Proof positive that one thing can appeal to everyone. Sure to put a smile on your face and get your foot a'tappin'. Dig it.


  1. That's Michel Gondry, baby. If you can find his Director's Series DVD, it's totally worth your time.

  2. FAV video of ALL time, a perfect synthesis of music and imagery. It always makes me smile too ;-)
