Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Jones legacy

This is a picture of me 'n my bruhdder, Brad. Yep, check us out. It's actually a pretty good picture - surprising, even - given how neither of us fully cooperates when it comes to saying cheese. We have differing, yet agonizingly obstinate approaches.

Brad is too busy doing crap like this:

And I'm too busy being all elusive and mysterious because I hate frikkin posing for pictures:

So, all things considered, the first picture posted is, in essence, a miracle. Sarah must have sensed that the planets were aligned when she spun around, camera in hand, and didn't even give us the chance to pull our usual stunts. Props to you, Mrs. Jones!

But, it is this representation I want to instill upon the minds of all when I officially declare that these two sterling gentlemen are the ones who will be continuing to build the Jones dynasty. Awww yeah! An exhilarating yet troublesome thought, I know: Exhilarating in that we're both geniuses and exemplars in our own capacity; Troublesome in that when we're together it's like listening in on a pair of 7 year-olds giggle about poop and farts and boobs and video games. Regardless, it takes well-rounded leadership to rule the world... Just be mindful of that when elections roll around in a couple of years.

Brad's birthday is tomorrow. He's gonna be 20... or 21; whichever, I don't remember. He'll be celebrating on the other side of the continent from me. Y'see, Brad's faithfully serving a mission in the great state of California. He's committed to something that's right and true, and I'm proud of him for it. I know and feel that his selfless service has blessed, and will continue to bless, our little family.

His absence is surely felt. To me, the din of family powwows has witnessed a steady decline in recent months. In part, it's because newly formed family units have gradually splintered off to nest elsewhere and are unable to make it to every gathering. And that makes sense, yes? Fewer loudmouths in one place equals less raucous. But something still felt off, something is still amiss. Indeed. The slight lack of enthusiasm I feel at family gatherings is due to the fact that I really, really miss my brother.

Brad is involved in a worldwide effort to bring about the greater good. An effort and message that can only be successful if carried and accepted by people who strive to do the right thing. You go, Brad!

Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

1 comment:

  1. I have no words... just pride. (the good pride of course)
