Thursday, July 1, 2010

Phaseplane Differential - July 2010 BRR Mixtape Brigade

“What is the human brain?” Orphu asked rhetorically. “I mean, all of us morevecs have a piece of one. What is it like? How does it work? Like the binary or DNA computers we also carry around for thinking purposes?”

“No,” said Cho Li. “We know that the human brain is not like a computer neither is it a chemical memory machine the way the Lost Era human scientists believed. The human brain… the mind… is a quantum-state holistic standing wavefront.”

“Exactly!” cried Orphu. “The post-humans used this intimate understanding of the human mind to perfect their Brane Holes, time travel, and quantum teleportation.”

“I still don’t see how,” said Prime Integrator Asteague/Che

[Orphu]“If you assume an infinite or near-infinite set of alternate universes, then many of these have necessarily been imagined through the sheer force of human genius. Picture them as singularities of genius – Bell-state analyzers and editors of the pure quantum-foam of reality.”

- Quoted from the Dan Simmons novel Olympos

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